ATCP 78.26(5)(d)2. 2. The camp shall separate the alleged perpetrator from campers until the incident is resolved, until the threat is removed, or as long as necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the campers. P
ATCP 78.26 History History: CR 21-109: cr. Register June 2023 No. 810, eff. 9-24-23; correction in (3) (a) 1., (c) 5., 7. b. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 4., Stats., correction in (3) (c) 7. a., b., (5) (c) 1., (d) 1. made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2023 No. 810.
ATCP 78.27 ATCP 78.27 Camp wellness and health staff.
ATCP 78.27(1)(1)Camp wellness.
ATCP 78.27(1)(a)(a) Physician on staff or consulting physician. Before a camp opens for the first time, and at least annually thereafter, the camp operator shall make written arrangements for medical care of campers and camp staff by a staff physician, consulting physician or the consulting physician's practice. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(b) (b) Staff physician or consulting physician standing orders. Health services staff shall work under the delegation of a physician licensed pursuant to ch. 448, Stats., who is available on-site during the camping season or for consultation services.
ATCP 78.27(1)(b)1. 1. The staff physician or consulting physician, in cooperation with the camp operator, shall develop standing orders, signed by the physician, for the administration of medications, routine health care and emergency medical care at the camp. P
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: Wisconsin is identified in a high incidence category for Lyme disease, therefore it is recommended that a written protocol should include tick bite identification and removal techniques, such the following resource provided by the United States centers for disease control and prevention:
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: Bats are the leading rabies vector in Wisconsin. It is recommended that camp staff are trained in bat education and that a written protocol be developed that includes: how to prevent and recognize a bat exposure, safe capture of a bat and what to do in the event a bat is found in a room with sleeping campers. A copy of the rabies algorithm can be found at the Wisconsin department of health services website at:
ATCP 78.27(1)(b)2. 2. The physician shall review, sign and date the standing orders annually. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(c) (c) Camp vehicle. A camp shall have a vehicle available at all times to transport a camper or staff member requiring urgent medical services to a hospital or clinic when the camp cannot provide the needed services or as approved by the department or its agent.Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(d) (d) Camper health history.
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.1. Each camper upon arrival at the camp, shall present to the health services staff or to the rental groups health services staff as required pursuant to s. ATCP 78.16, an up-to-date written health history. P Health histories shall include all of the following:
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.a. a. Any physical condition or limitations. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.b. b. Medications. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.c. c. Allergies. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.d. d. Immunization status or a signed document by the legal guardian presented to the camp objecting to the immunization requirements for a camper for reasons of health, religion or personal conviction that meets the requirements pursuant to s. 252.04 (3), Stats. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.e. e. Any special health and behavioral considerations, including mental, emotional, social and developmental needs or restrictions of the camper. Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)1.f. f. Permission from the family that allows for a camper to self-carry and administer emergency medication, such as epinephrine, inhalers, or insulin, if applicable. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)2. 2. For a camper under 18 years of age, the written health history shall be prepared and signed by a parent or legal guardian. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)3. 3. Parent or legal guardian's written consent to treat camper in case of an emergency. Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(d)4. 4. Signed permission by the parent or legal guardian for camp health services staff to provide routine healthcare treatment, identifying over-the-counter medications that can be administered. Pf
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: It is recommended that each camper upon arrival at the camp, also present to the health services staff a written report of a physical examination performed within the preceding 24 months by a physician, a physician assistant, or a nurse practitioner.
ATCP 78.27(1)(e) (e) Camp staff health history.
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.1. Each camp staff member, upon arrival at the camp, shall present to the health services staff or to the rental groups health services staff, as required pursuant to s. ATCP 78.16, an up-to-date written health history. P Health histories shall include all of the following:
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.a. a. Any physical condition or limitations. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.b. b. Medications. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.c. c. Allergies. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.d. d. Based on the staff member's job description, clarification of any camp activities from which the staff member should be exempted or limited for health reasons as indicated by qualified medical personnel. Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.e. e. A statement indicating if the staff member requires any medication that might impair their ability to perform the essential functions of their position. Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.f. f. Who to contact in case of emergency.
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)1.g. g. Immunization status as determined by the consulting physician and camp health supervisor. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(e)2. 2. For camp staff under 18 years of age, the written health history shall be provided as required pursuant to par. (d). P
ATCP 78.27(1)(f) (f) Health center. A camp shall have written procedures and space for the temporary isolation of sick or injured campers and staff members. P
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: Reportable communicable diseases are listed in appendix A to ch. DHS 145. Cases are to be reported to the local health officer or the department pursuant to s. 252.05, Stats., and ch. DHS 145.
ATCP 78.27(1)(g) (g) First-aid supplies. A camp shall have first-aid supplies as determined by the staff physician or consulting physician standing orders. Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(h) (h) Emergency Phone.
ATCP 78.27(1)(h)1.1. A telephone capable of connecting with 911 or emergency dispatch services shall be accessible at all times during camp operation. P
ATCP 78.27(1)(h)2. 2. Other telephone technology may be used that has continuous power backup and a reliable service connection.P
ATCP 78.27(1)(h)3. 3. The installation and location of the telephone shall be in close proximity to the camp buildings or lodging units and the telephone shall be available to camp staff and campers.Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(h)4. 4. A current list of emergency numbers, including 911, and the facility's location shall be attached to or posted near the telephone.P
ATCP 78.27(1)(i) (i) AED. If provided, the camp shall ensure the AED meets all of the following:
ATCP 78.27(1)(i)1. 1. Maintained in operational condition in accordance with manufacturer guidelines.P
ATCP 78.27(1)(i)2. 2. Tested in accordance with any operational guidelines of the manufacturer.Pf
ATCP 78.27(1)(i)3. 3. Continually available on camp premises when camp is in session.Pf
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: Camp administration is encouraged to consider placement of multiple AED(s) based on the population served and activities conducted.
ATCP 78.27(2) (2)Health staff requirements for a camp or rental group operating for 3 nights or more.
ATCP 78.27(2)(a) (a) Camp health services supervisor.
ATCP 78.27(2)(a)1. 1. Except as provided pursuant to sub. (3), a camp shall have an adult camp health supervisor who shall be responsible for routine and urgent health care supervision at the camp and meet the requirements pursuant to par. (b) 5. P
ATCP 78.27(2)(a)2. 2. The camp health supervisor shall inform appropriate camp staff of any specific needs, as identified in the camper health history, of a camper whom they are responsible. Pf
ATCP 78.27(2)(b) (b) Health services qualifications.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.1. The health staff shall include at least one of the following: P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.a. a. A physician licensed in Wisconsin pursuant to s. 448.033, Stats.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.b. b. A registered nurse licensed in Wisconsin pursuant to s. 441.115 (3), Stats.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.c. c. A physician assistant licensed in Wisconsin.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.d. d. A practical nurse licensed in Wisconsin.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.e. e. A national athletic trainers association certified trainer and meeting subd. 4.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.f. f. An emergency medical services practitioner as defined in s. 256.01 (5), Stats., and meeting subd. 4.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.g. g. A person currently certified as completing the American Red Cross responding to emergencies course or equivalent and meeting subd. 4.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)1.h. h. A person currently certified as completing a wilderness first aid course as approved by the department and meeting subd. 4.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)2. 2. Health services staff at a camp shall hold current certification from the American Red Cross or American Heart Association for basic CPR and AED.P A camp shall follow the staffing requirement for CPR and AED as follows:
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)2.a. a. If the local ambulance service provider or emergency medical services states in writing that there is a target response time of 30 minutes or less to the camp, the camp shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27, for all programs going to a physical location. P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)2.b. b. If the local ambulance service provider or emergency medical service response is greater than 30 minutes, the camp shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27. P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)3. 3. Health services staff at a camp shall hold a current certificate for the completion of the American Red Cross or American Heart Association first-aid course or equivalent. P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)4. 4. Health services staff administering medication and only meeting the requirements pursuant to subds. 2. and 3., shall annually take the Wisconsin department of public instruction online course, Medication Administration Principles and shall maintain documentation of the assessment test and passing grade. P
ATCP 78.27 Note Note: The Wisconsin department of public instruction course Medication Administration Principles can be found at the following link.
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)5. 5. If a camp is prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector or pre-filled syringe as an authorized entity that is not patient-specific or the camp plans to have health services staff help administer epinephrine to a camper, health services staff shall complete an anaphylaxis training program required pursuant to s. 255.07 (5), Stats., and meet all of the following:
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)5.a. a. The health services staff member shall complete a training program conducted by a nationally recognized organization experienced in training laypersons in emergency health treatment or an organization approved by the Wisconsin department of health services.P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)5.b. b. The training certificate shall be maintained on the camp premises.P
ATCP 78.27(2)(b)5.c. c. The training certificate shall be made available to the department or its agent upon request.
ATCP 78.27(2)(c) (c) Health services coverage. A camp shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27, for health service staff coverage at the camp at all times during camp operations.P
ATCP 78.27(2)(d) (d) Health services staff coverage for off-premises trips and primitive camping.
ATCP 78.27(2)(d)1. 1. If the local ambulance service provider or emergency medical services states in writing that there is a target response time of 30 minutes or less to the camp, the camp shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27, for all off-premises trips and primitive camping.P
ATCP 78.27(2)(d)2. 2. If the local ambulance service provider or emergency medical service response time is greater than 30 minutes, the camp shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27, for all off-premises trips and primitive camping.P
ATCP 78.27(3) (3)Alternative health services requirements for a rental group that operates for a period of 3 nights or less. A rental group, such as a school class, a church group, or a scout troop that provides their own health services staff shall meet the requirements pursuant to s. ATCP Table 78.27.P
ATCP Table 78.27 Health Staff Coverage and Training Requirements - See PDF for table PDF
ATCP 78.27(4) (4)Medications brought to camp.
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)(a) Prescription medication.
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.1. Except as specified in subd. 2., all medications brought to camp by a camper or staff member shall be properly labeled with all of the following:
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.a. a. The name of the camper or staff member. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.b. b. The name of the medication. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.c. c. The dosage. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.d. d. The frequency of administration. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.e. e. The route of administration. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.f. f. Name of the prescribing physician. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.g. g. The prescription number. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)1.h. h. The date prescribed. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(a)2. 2. A prepackaged pill pack provided by a pharmacy service accompanied by paperwork meeting the requirements as specified pursuant to subd. 1. P
ATCP 78.27(4)(b) (b) Additional information. Information regarding possible adverse reactions, the specific conditions when contact should be made with the physician and other special instructions shall be documented in the camper health history. P
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.